Police Officer Recruitment Incentive Program

Refer a candidate to become an LAPD officer and receive $1,000 when they are hired, and $1,000 upon their graduation from the Police Academy. There is no limit to the number of candidates you can refer. Invite your candidate today, encourage them throughout the process, and very soon you’ll see the incentive added to your paycheck!

Retired City Employee Robert Long earned $2,000 with the Police Officer Recruitment Incentive Program. View the YouTube video to watch his story and learn how you can earn $2,000 too!

For more information on the Police Officer Recruitment Incentive Program go to https://www.joinlapd.com/apply/porip or email personnel.psbrecruitment@lacity.org

LAFPP Joins IDiF Fireside Chat on the Emerging Manager Program

On January 23rd, LAFPP’s Susan Liem of the Investments Division joined a “fireside chat” hosted by The Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Finance (IDiF). This virtual event included a discussion on LAFPP’s private equity Specialized Manager program. Susan was joined by Kirk Sims, Head of the Emerging Manager Program at Teachers Retirement System of Texas.

Click on the link to view the video: IFiF Fireside Chat: Emerging Manager Programs

The Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Finance (IDiF)’s mission is to expand access to institutional capital and amplify efforts to increase diversity in the finance industry. The organization partners with investment firms, academics and regulators to advance its mission through education and alliances. IDiF has monthly virtual events that bring together investment practitioners and thought leaders together for discussions on various DEI related investment topics. For more information on IDiF or register for future events, please visit www.idif.org.

Welcome to LAFPP’s new website!

Our website has been redesigned to improve the security of our platform and create a user-friendly interface for our members, stakeholders, and visitors to easily find information. For the new design, we aimed for enhanced navigation without sacrificing information. 

At first glance, our homepage features:

  • Links that immediately direct you to learn more about benefit information (for Active, DROP, Retired, or Qualified Survivors)
  • A carousel of LAFPP announcements and updates
  • Shortcuts to our most visited pages
  • In-Memoriam section that honors those who served the City of Los Angeles

We’ve updated the structure of our pages and introduced a more streamlined menu navigation. A new enhancement is a “How can we help you?” drop down box and a “Get Started” section on the Homepage. These “quick links” provide our visitors shortcuts to helpful information.

We are very excited about our redesign and will be constantly updating and adding helpful information for our visitors. Browse around and feel free to submit any questions/feedback below.

Election – Police Department – Retired Board Member

An election to select the Police Department Retired Member of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners (Board) is scheduled on February 23, 2024. The candidate elected will serve the term beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2029.

Only retired, sworn Los Angeles Police Department members of the System are eligible to run and vote for this Board seat. Retired, sworn members of the Los Angeles Police Department who become eligible within 30 days prior to the Election and wish to vote in the Election should obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (Certificate) from the Department of Fire and Police Pensions (LAFPP).  LAFPP is located at 701 E. Third Street, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013. Beginning at 8:00 a.m. (PT) on February 13, 2024, after securing a Certificate, the newly eligible voter may present themselves in person at the Office of the City Clerk – Election Division and receive a ballot.

All completed ballots must be received by the Office of the City Clerk Election Division by 5:00 p.m. (PT) on February 23, 2024 to be counted. Inquiries regarding the election process may be directed to the Office of the City Clerk – Election Division at (213) 978-0444 or by email at Clerk.ElectionAdmin@lacity.org. Inquiries may also be directed to the Administrative Services Section of the Department of Fire and Police Pensions at (213) 279-3080. The Election Calendar will be available at the end of November.

Retirement Incentive Pay Program (RIP 2.0) – Member Update

The City of Los Angeles Retirement Incentive Pay (RIP 2.0) is a program developed by the City and the Los Angeles Police Protective League to allow members of MOU 24 who are retiring or entering DROP to include specified salary increases as part of their pension benefit calculation. It is treated like a pensionable bonus equivalent to the base wage increase that was agreed to be non-pensionable for a period of time.

MOU 24 covers sworn LAPD employees with a rank of Police Officer, Police Detective, Police Sergeant, and Police Lieutenant.

It is anticipated that the application period for RIP 2.0 will open on October 25, 2023. If you wish to have your application retroactively dated, your application must be filed by December 2, 2023. Applications filed after this date will not be subject to retroactive dating and will have an effective date beginning the pay period in which the application is successfully submitted.

To read about the details of the program, or to find the application, please visit the links below:

FAQ Link: https://cao.lacity.org/RIP/RIP_FAQ_FINAL.pdf
Application Link: https://forms.gle/BSmsLEmqi76zQ4Ri9
Revocation Link: https://forms.gle/9PweDXs5UyNs34v97

LAFPP does not administer the RIP program. For any questions regarding the RIP program, please visit the links above or contact your union representatives at:

  • Corina Lee – (213) 792-1089; corinalee@lappl.org
  • Jerretta Sandoz – (213) 545-4903; jerrettasandoz@lappl.org
  • Debbie Thomas – (424) 653-4433; debbiethomas@lappl.org

For any questions regarding how the RIP bonus may affect your Final Average Salary, please contact the DROP/Service Pensions Section at (213) 279-3100 or via email at dropsp@lafpp.com.