Workday Implementation – What You Should Know

ACTIVE & DROP MEMBERS ONLY – The City has successfully transitioned to the new Human Resources and Payroll (HRP) system, known as Workday. Below are a few reminders for our members:

Review Your Paystubs

We highly encourage all members to take the time to review your paystub beginning with Pay Period 27 (June 16 – 29), which is now accessible in Workday. We recommend members compare paystubs both before AND after the Workday transition to ensure pension contribution deductions (including any additional voluntary deductions for service purchase contracts or retiree health contributions) are not disrupted. 

You can view step-by-step instructions on how to view your paystubs in Workday by visiting ITA’s HRP JobAid.

Possible Discrepancies

Some members have already reported seeing potential discrepancies in their paystubs. As with any new system, there is always a possibility that issues may occur during the transition period. Errors and/or differences in your pay and/or deductions may be caused by:

  • User error – This may result from errors in data entry, submission and approval of time and absences within the appropriate pay period.
  • Poor data quality – Missing information or inaccurate time.
  • City policy or processes not configured in the same manner – This may arise from a difference in configuration between Workday and PaySr (the City’s legacy payroll system).
  • System Differences Differences may arise from PaySr and Workday having different methodologies, which include how bonuses are prioritized. Net pay may be different by up to $2.
  • Programming Errors – Certain members may be overpaid or underpaid due to programming errors in Workday.  If you think you may have been overpaid or underpaid, please contact your department’s payroll.  Departmental payroll phone numbers are provided at the end of this article.

Familiarize yourself with LAFPP-related payroll codes and deductions:

03Regular contributions
03FVoluntary deductions for public service purchase contracts
03CVoluntary deductions for purchases of Academy or Drill Tower training, or Workers’ Compensation period
03R or 03UVoluntary retiree health contributions

Possible Service Impacts

We want you to be aware of the possibility of delays in processing retirements, DROP Entries, purchases of service, DROP Exits and other transactions between mid-June and the end of summer. Please understand that delays may occur during this period as we adapt to the new system and its related processes due to LAFPP’s reliance on the data/information in the City’s payroll system to process benefit-related transactions.

Our priority remains to provide you with the best service possible, and we appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. Members will still be able to retire and enter/exit DROP during this period, but these DROP and retirement calculations may take longer to process and/or there may be a need for revisions at a later date should we encounter any issues with the data that has been transferred from the City’s legacy payroll system (PaySR) to the new Workday system.

Who to Contact:

  1. If you have any questions about earnings and non-pension related deductions, please contact your HRP Change Champions or department Payroll representatives:
    -Police payroll: (213) 978-6650
    -Fire payroll: (213) 978-3440
    -Port Police payroll: (310) 732-3739
    -Airport Police payroll: (424) 646-7772
  2. For discrepancies on pension-related contribution deductions, please contact Active Member Services at (213) 279-3140 or by email at
  3. For discrepancies with Deferred Compensation contributions, please visit HRP — City of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation Plan (

Thank you for your continued trust and support during this time.

Related article:

Election of 2024-2025 Board Officers

Each year in July, the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners elects its Officers of the Board to serve one-year terms. On July 18, 2024, the Board elected Garrett W. Zimmon as President and Andrea Ambriz as Vice President.

As President, Commissioner Garrett W. Zimmon will exercise the following duties:

  • Approve the Board agenda; preside at all Board meetings, ensure that meetings are conducted in an efficient manner and in accordance with the City Charter and Administrative Code, applicable public meeting laws, and relevant Board policies.
  • Determine who will act as spokesperson for the System should the need arise; and,
  • Approve the travel expenses incurred by the General Manager and the Board.

As Vice President, Commissioner Andrea Ambriz will assume the duties of the Board President when the President is absent or if the President should delegate the Vice President to act. The Vice President will also assume the duties of the President if the President becomes unable to carry out their duties.

Congratulations to Commissioners Garrett W. Zimmon and Andrea Ambriz as they begin their new roles with the Board!